Recently completed projects
Oxford Interdisciplinary Seminars in Science and Religion: Bridging the Two Cultures of Science and the Humanities II, 2017–19.
Building on the success of Bridging the Two Cultures I, SCIO offered a follow-up programme for a new cohort 25 faculty members from CCCU institutions and other faith-based institutions, including those in Latin America and Africa. Funded by the Templeton Religion Trust and The Blankemeyer Foundation with grants of c.$2 million, the programme focused on enhancing the development of faculty members and serving the broader academic communities which they represent. Faculty Participants explored Science and Religion issues in the unique setting of Oxford, developing interdisciplinary skills central to the field. The programme helped train a new generation of leaders in Science and Religion, providing mentoring for student researchers, encouraging broader student engagement, and expanding the conversations to include key campus leaders (presidents, provosts, chief student development officers, and chaplains). Find out more.
Glorification and Creaturehood in an Age of Biotechnological Enhancement, 2016–19.
Funded with a grant of £141,000 from the John Templeton Foundation, this project focused on defining Christian and scientific responses (neuroscience, psychology, and biology) to human beings as ‘creatures’ who are bound for ‘glory’ with the aim of applying this wisdom to debates on human biotechnological enhancement. The main activities of the project included the production of several peer-reviewed articles and a scholarly monograph, and an international symposium that convened with leading Christian scholars on the topic.