Our Blog

Check out our blog posts to learn about our study abroad programmes and grants, to hear current students and alumni share their experiences of the city of dreaming spires, and to celebrate key milestones with us.

SCIO Alumni Scholarship awarded to Megan Loumagne - on 25th October 2017 in Life after SCIO, News, Research and Projects

SCIO is delighted to announce that Megan Loumagne, a SCIO alumna from the Michaelmas 2006 Scholars’ Semester in Oxford, has been awarded a SCIO Alumni Scholarship for the academic year 2017–18.  Megan, who was also a recipient of the scholarship... Read More >

Olivia Anderson

SCIO Alumni scholarship awarded to Olivia Anderson - on 10th June 2016 in Life after SCIO, News, Research and Projects

Oliva Anderson, who attended the Scholar’s Semester in Oxford in Michaelmas Term 13 and Hilary 14 is the first student to be awarded a SCIO Alumni scholarship towards her doctoral studies at the University of Oxford, beginning in Michaelmas Term... Read More >


SCIO student accepted onto prestigious leadership programme - on 8th April 2016 in Life after SCIO, News, Student Programmes

SCIO  congratulates Isaiah Whitten, a Northwest University student currently studying on the Scholar’s semester in Oxford (SSO), who has been chosen for the Washington programme of the Institute for Responsible Citizenship. The programme, which gives African American men the chance... Read More >


SCIO Junior Dean gains postdoctoral teaching fellowship at Indiana Wesleyan University - on 19th June 2015 in Life after SCIO, News

We are delighted to announce that Lexi Eikelboom has gained a 2–3 year postdoctoral teaching fellowship with the John Wesley Honors College at Indiana Wesleyan University, in Marion, Indiana. The Honors College offers an Honors Humanities Major through interdisciplinary seminars based on... Read More >


Oxford tutor and SCIO alumna is awarded Chancellor’s Fellowship at the University of Edinburgh - on 27th June 2014 in Life after SCIO, News

Dr Lydia Schumacher, currently a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in the University of Oxford’s Faculty of Theology and Religion and Tutor in Doctrine at Wycliffe Hall, will take up a Chancellor’s Fellowship in the School of Divinity at the University of... Read More >

Laurenware 2

SCIO alumna graduates PhD from the University of Edinburgh - on 3rd June 2014 in Life after SCIO, News

Lauren Ware (née Hosty) who attended the Scholars’ Semester in Oxford in Michaelmas Term (fall semester) 2005, has recently graduated her PhD from the University of Edinburgh with a thesis entitled ‘Plato’s bond of love: eros as participation in beauty’. She is one of... Read More >