SCIO is thrilled that alumna Cayla Bleoaja has been accepted to study a Master’s degree (MSc) in Sociology here at Oxford. She has been accepted into Jesus College and will be fully funded as a Barry Scholar. She begins her two-year programme in the autumn of 2020.
After growing up in Portland, Oregon, Cayla studied psychology, philosophy, and human communication at George Fox University, where she graduated magna cum laude in May 2020. She joined us at SCIO for Michaelmas term in 2018.
Cayla will be returning to Oxford to study the current Romanian diaspora and how their cultural history and collective identity interact with their social context.
She is passionate about building bridges between communities and cultures and would like to use her studies to create spaces where different cultures can come together to build understanding, relationships, and trust. She hopes to pursue this interest in a career informing public policy.
Cayla found her time at SCIO to be deeply formative, stretching her personally and intellectually. It gave her a space to grapple with hard questions and to grow in her understanding of herself and the world around her. She writes, ‘I left better equipped, challenged, and deepened to pursue hard and worthwhile things.’