Special announcement: SCIO is now offering STEM studies

SCIO is excited to announce that it is expanding its disciplinary offering to its Registered Visiting Students to include many STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) drawing on the high calibre teaching and research of the University of Oxford.

“An academic organisation that endeavours to contribute to discussions of scholarship and Christianity should strive to touch on as many core disciplines as it reasonably can. For some years I have hoped we might begin offering STEM subjects, both out of our long-standing commitment to science and religion, and affirming that STEM subjects in themselves are worthy and important, and we wish to extend the great opportunities of Oxford to students advancing in those fields. These subjects are not peripheral: they are central to SCIO’s mission.”
Dr Stan Rosenberg, Executive Director, SCIO

Applications are managed through our BestSemester website: apply now!

As part of its Scholars’ Semester in Oxford (SSO) programme, from autumn 2018 SCIO will offer courses in the following areas:

  • Biological sciences (e.g. animal behaviour, ecology, disease, and cells and genes)
  • Chemistry (e.g. electrochemistry, quantum mechanics and spectroscopy, and soft condensed matter)
  • Mathematics (e.g. multivariate calculus and mathematical models, number theory, and logic and set theory)
  • Statistics (e.g. metric spaces and complex analysis, statistical machine learning, and applied probability)
  • Physics (e.g. classical mechanics and special relativity, quantum physics, and plasma physics)
  • Theoretical computer science (e.g. intelligent systems, machine learning, and computational game theory)
  • Earth sciences (e.g. palaeobiology, volcanology, and planetary chemistry)

Find out more about studying STEM with SCIO.

SCIO has since 2002 been offering a Science and religion seminar as part of its Oxford Summer Programme (OSP), and will be looking forward to running this again in 2018 and beyond.

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